Its all about money honey. As they say. But is it so. We keep running after money. Run Run Run ... when will the run stop. If money is all that we dream about. Is there scope for anything else? I believe 90% of people in software industry are there because of the money involved. Everybody dreams of doing something better, something else. But very few do anything other than job. So where is the life gone. Everybody wants to be creative, but managers in each company wants them to be creative technically... "Publish patents you fools." !!!
And lets say somebody earns X Lakhs for 8hrs a day (including lunch+dinner+breakfast+snacks) and other guy earns 1.2X for 16hrs a day. Definitely second person is earning quite a lot. But is there any life left. But lets assume second person is techno freak, then he/she will surely enjoy spending 16hrs in office. For most of us this assumption fails.
Recently I had met a friend of mine, who has recently graduated from IIMA. I have the opinion that people don't really need that much of money. As in what will do by earning so much of money. He said I will retire by 40. But does that happen, NOPES, it doesn't. Retire by 40 and do what? Run after your kids? No it will never happen. Nobody likes to sit idle. And do the young days come back with the extra money you have earned? Will you be young again? Will you have the same energy?
We do crib about the hikes we get, then there is this person who gets the same salary as your hike. Still he is happy. Life has so many contrasts.
Is any amount of money sufficient?
Think Think Think.
RIght .... its more about how u live your life ... how much u enjoy it .. rather than running in the race.
First of all, compliments for that wonderful picture at the start of the blog!Nice thoughts expressed in this Blog Dev...Harsh Reality of urban youth...Apna Sapna Money Money is the mantra of today's youth it seems..I hope there is the change in this mindset soon...
Waa jee ..waa !! Yeh to LAKH RUPAYE ki baat kahi Haaa !!
leave d softwre company n go to writing articles for newspaper..
u wont get much money..
but i bet u.. u 'll b very successful....
Rightly said. We often live in the future and tend to spoil our present. We believe that let us accumulate money first and then we can enjoy. Unfortunately that tomorrow never comes & life just passes by.
You should earn so much that when you want something, you never fell short of money.
Either you hold your desires or you earn enough to satisfy your desires. I believe the second options is more thrilling..;) Everybody else have to chose for themselves.
Well said, its difficult to realize that money does not bring happiness but once you do, there is not much to do after that.
Be Happy.....
good article, eye opener,but less balanced. keep going mate.
Thats what the current lots prefer to do actually. Of course money is required, though what I feel is do not kill your self for it. I have seen people sacrificing everything for the hari-patti and they indeed blabber I am running behind it so that I can have easy old age. Bull Crap. Huh!!!
P.S. Btw, can u get rid of that word verification pls.
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